Read the latest news and updates from volunteers, partners, and staff across the moana working collectively towards a world with thriving communities.


International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 2020

17.08.2020 - After spending two years in Isabel Province in Solomon Islands, there are so many amazing memories…

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International Youth Day 2020 - Lewis Johnson (Solomon Islands)

12.08.2020 - For International Youth Day we are delighted to kōrero with our returned tūao Lewis Johnson who volunteered…

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Cook Islands Language Week / Te epetoma o te reo Māori Kuki Airani, [Dahyoung Kim (Dee)]

07.08.2020 - For Cook Islands Language Week / Te epetoma o te reo Māori Kuki Airani, we are delighted to kōrero with our Cook…

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Volunteering, chronicling and more - supporting VSA since 1974 (Tonga)

27.07.2020 - Award-winning writer and photographer Neville Peat has been involved with VSA since 1974 – as a volunteer in…

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Mary Hammonds on assignment in PNG (1978-79) 

27.07.2020 From The VSA Way (1987) Author -Neville Peat 

Mary Hammonds, of New Plymouth, worked as a nurse/midwife in…

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Developing sustainable tourism through yoga - Solomon Islands

20.07.2020 - The Western Province of the Solomon Islands has rugged natural beauty, proud and friendly people and an incredibly…

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Being a farm mechanic on Eua in 1970 - Jim Greenhough (Tonga)

03.07.2020 - In 1970 I was lucky enough, as an 18 year old Nelson farm boy, to be selected as a VSA school leaver volunteer and…

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On the path to change in Bougainville - Douglas Hancock

29.06.2020 - After his five months assignment in Bougainville, Douglas Hancock arrived back in New Zealand just in the nick of…

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Facing energy and geological resource challenges in the Pacific - Charlie Inggs (Fiji)

25.06.2020 - Developing sources of sustainable and renewable energy is critically important in the Pacific. Most Pacific nations…

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16.06.2020 - Ana Terry joined the Learning and Teaching Development team at Otago Polytechnic in August 2018. In conversation…

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Vanuatu, a country of remarkable resilience - Trevor Johnston

15.06.2020 - Since VSA’s decision to repatriate all volunteers in Vanuatu on 14 March the events that have unfolded here have…

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Outreach in Papua New Guinea - Norah Riddick

11.06.2020 -Seeing a man who had not been able to use his arms for two years regain full independence and training sixteen people…

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Hope Bearers - Sabine Huber (Tonga)

08.06.2020 - Sabine was one of the first participants in the VSA Partnering for Good programme. VSA developed this programme in…

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Planting mangroves for Ozone Week - Hilary Boyes

05.06.2020 - VSA volunteers love getting involved in community activities outside their core assignment. So when Environmental…

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Buzzing to return to Tonga - David Cramp

03.06.2020 - Beekeeper David Cramp is itching to get back to Tonga and his newly established bee colonies as soon as VSA can put…

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Paradise gone but not forgotten - Wendy Griffin

02.06.2020 - Going on VSA assignment in 2018 was to be my last work in international aid before retirement in May 2020.  I was…

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Jackie Aveling 

26.05.2020 - When volunteer business adviser Jackie Aveling looks out of her window in the New Zealand autumn, in her mind’s eye…

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St Peter Chanel Teachers College Deploys World-Class E-learning Platform

22.05.2019 - With the assistance of the New Zealand Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA), St. Peter Chanel Catholic College of…

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IDYP Overseas Volunteering Talk

21.05.2020 - VSA's Programme Manager for Solomon Islands, Morgan Hanks, speaks in this International Development Young…

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Supporting education in Kiribati - Dr Helen Marieskind

20.05.2020 - Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Helen Marieskind continues to support her partner organisation, Kiribati’s…

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