Read the latest news and updates from volunteers, partners, and staff across the moana working collectively towards a world with thriving communities.


Unexpected doors open when volunteering

Dana MacDiarmid is now a VSA Council Member. How did she get there and what did her volunteer assignment do for her?

Any VSA…

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Tongan diplomatic and volunteer connections celebrated

Rachel Harrison’s experience as a volunteer could have been cut short by the COVID-19 pandemic, but instead it led to e-volunteer…

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How volunteering 50 years ago has impacted Chris Hawley's life

50 years ago Chris Hawley took up a VSA assignment at a newly founded university in Khon Kaen, Thailand. An assignment that was…

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Rising to the challenge

For VSA CEO Steve Goodman, the urgency and effect of the pandemic on the organisation’s operations has been profound but has also…

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Partnership with Downer supporting future leaders

Ask Downer Talent Development Manager Ryan Jacobs about the partnership the firm has had with VSA for the past six years and…

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New Zealand and Vanuatu volunteer connections resume

Staff at two of Vanuatu’s key hospitals await the arrival of two medical staff through a programme with Volunteer Service Abroad…

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Sharing the VSA message through community outreach with water professionals in North America

Roanna Purcaru, a VSA returned volunteer, recently completed the prestigious Water Leadership Institute (WLI) program run by the…

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Rich life-long relationships 

20 November 2020

“The first weekend I was in Niue, I assembled my bike and rode around the island.  It was hot in January and…

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VSA’s Chief Executive elected Vice Chair of international forum 

19 November 2020

Stephen Goodman, CEO of Volunteer Service Abroad Te Tūao Tāwāhi, has been elected Vice Chair of The…

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Mentoring in Timor-Leste

6 November 2020

Nearly two weeks into her one-year assignment, Jolene Simoes, senior communications adviser in Timor-Leste found…

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Improving outcomes for communities in PNG 

27 October 2020

In 2018 Neal Hartley travelled to PNG for what seemed like a simple enough assignment - to create a website and…

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New partnership supports emergency care development in the Pacific

19 October 2020

Volunteer Service Abroad Te Tūao Tāwāhi (VSA) and the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) have…

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October 2020 update

Kia ora koutou katoa,

Over recent months we have shared a number of updates about COVID-19’s impact on Volunteer Service…

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Fifty years supporting VSA 

21.09.2020 - In the late 1960s, while he was teaching at Queen Victoria School in Fiji, Gavin Kerr helped VSA with a young…

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A passion for quality education - Tonga

11.09.2020 - “There is a real passion for quality education in Tonga,” says VSA volunteer Julie Mcllwraith. “Tongan tertiary…

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Tongan Language Week / Uike Kātoanga'i 'o e Lea Faka-Tonga 2020 (David Cramp)

07.09.2020 - For Tongan Language Week / Uike Kātoanga'i 'o e Lea Faka-Tonga, we are delighted to give an update about VSA tūao…

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Creating special connections in Kūki 'Āirani - Cook Islands

04.09.2020 - Anita Corbett accompanied her husband Bruce on his assignment as a Water Engineer with Office of the Prime…

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Bruce Corbett - Resilience in the face of climate change (Cook Islands)

31.08.2020 - As his 65th birthday loomed over the horizon, engineer Bruce Corbett decided it wasn’t time yet to become “a boring…

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When assignments change - Wayne Wooff (Vanuatu)

27.08.2020 - Despite everyone’s best efforts, VSA assignments do not always go to plan. Our volunteers often need exceptional…

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St Peter Chanel Catholic School of Secondary Teacher Education (Papua New Guinea)

24.08.2020 - Principal Alfred Tivinarlik doesn’t hesitate when asked to describe the VSA volunteers who’ve spent time at the St…

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