Read the latest news and updates from volunteers, partners, and staff across the moana working collectively towards a world with thriving communities.


Eye care in Vanuatu  

18.05.2020 - Frith Walker had been registered with VSA for a few years when she saw an assignment for a Clinical Management…

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Chantelle Lincoln

13.05.2020 - Before Chantelle Lincoln left Solomon Islands, she was working with her counterpart, Emmanuel Pitakaka, on two key…

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Creating educational resources through e-volunteering 

08.05.2020 - Having to return to New Zealand earlier than planned due to the pandemic hasn’t stopped Dr Ngaire Tihema carrying…

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VSA update – a message from the CEO, Stephen Goodman

01.04.2020 - Kia ora, I hope that you and your whānau are safe and well during this time. This is certainly a difficult and…

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Supporting child protection in the Pacific - volunteering remotely  during COVID-19 

23.04.2020 - After only one month into her assignment with UNICEF in Fiji, Dale Corcoran had to return to Aotearoa New Zealand…

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Volunteering in Sarawak, 1965

23.04.2020 - This article is written by Jim Tully, Adjunct Associate Professor School of Languages, Social and Political…

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An agreeable way of life - Peter Blinkhorne

14.04.2020 - The article was published on Enius NO. 14, December 2015.

Peter Blinkhorne has enjoyed many aspects of volunteering…

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VSA ex volunteer still making a difference - Bill Shields

14.04.2020 - Many VSA volunteers transform their lives and the lives of others not only during their assignments, but also in the…

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A reflective offering – Julie Peake (Registered Social Worker)

08.05.2020 I left Aotearoa, New Zealand on 9th February 2020 on what was meant to be a two year assignment in Vanuatu as a Child…

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COVID-19 Update

Update 23 March 2020 - The VSA office in Wellington will be closed after the end of Monday 23 March 2020 in line with the Prime…

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Paying it forward - Clint Smythe

20.03.2020 - Clint Smythe was on assignment with VSA in Cambodia as a business development adviser building marketing capacity to…

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Important COVID-19 update from Stephen Goodman

18.03.2020 - In response to the New Zealand Government urging New Zealanders overseas to consider returning home as soon as…

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Helping women on their journey to safety - Fiona Richards (PNG)

25.02.2020 - For women and children escaping violent domestic situations a safe house is a much needed haven where they can live…

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Water for communities in Vanuatu

21.02.2020 - A severe lack of rainfall on Aniwa Island last year led to Aniwa community leaders seeking support for drinking…

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Timor-Leste’s impressive first innings

20.02.2020 - At this time last year, VSA volunteer and self-described “cricket tragic” Mark Young was immersed in cricket – in…

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A beneficial association

10.02.2020  -  Senghorng Tout is the Enterprise Development and Marketing Facilitator of iDE’s Cambodia Agribusiness Development…

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Clean water, resilient communities – and biscuits! - Jules Scott-Hansen

31.01.2020 - One of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals is to achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable…

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Songs, smiles and cuddles - Fran Andrews (Papua New Guinea)

10.12.2019 - “I especially remember my delight getting a big cuddle from a child who had been initially very opposed to being in…

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High fives and smiles - Denise Eddowes (Tuvalu)

09.12.2019 - When asked about the highlight of her time in Tuvalu, volunteer Denise Eddowes had no hesitation replying, “He…

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Changing hearts and mind - Alison Tu'i'onetoa (Vanuatu)

08.12.2019 - Having the two women she worked with most closely, thank her for encouraging them to speak out and challenge the…

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