Click here Dana explains why she is committed to Monthly Regular Giving for VSA
Click here James explains why he is committed to Monthly Regular Giving for VSA
Behind every VSA volunteer there is a group of individuals committed to supporting those across the Pacific and beyond. Together we help to create thriving communities. Become a Monthly Regular Giver today and invest in our mission of a fair and sustainable future.
Your Monthly Regular Gift will ensure VSA volunteers working together with their local partners in the Pacific and beyond can support:
- sustainable agriculture, fisheries and food production;
- inclusive, accessible and quality education;
- strong organisations leading to economic independence and greater opportunities for a wider range of people;
- partner organisations across the wider Pacific to mitigate and adapt to the impact of climate change; and
- access to inclusive and quality health services.
As a Monthly Regular Giver we will provide you and our members with a monthly email report updating you on the outcomes associated with your monthly giving.
Q & A
How does it work ?
VSA Monthly Giving and members report is sent by email to you each month showcasing projects and outcomes that you are supporting.
Why is Monthly Regular Giving important to VSA ?
For you; Regular Monthly recurring donations are easy to setup. They save on postage, there is flexibility to change the amounts or pause or stop any gift at any time, a cumulative tax receipt is issued and sent annually, and we provide reporting to "steward" rather than "ask" you for donations.
For VSA; Your Monthly Regular Giving is associated with lower costs of engagement by keeping postage and administrative costs down, it supports a greater range of stewardships, especially video, Monthly Regular Giving donors have compared to other forms of donors much higher retention and lower levels of attrition, donations are regular and therefore VSA can treat them as more reliable enabling us to forward budget our commitments with more confidence to create better outcomes from your support.
Is there a minimum I have to donate monthly?
Please give us whatever amount you are comfortable with. Our current average Monthly Gift is slightly over $35 however, many supporters provide more than this.
Do I need to commit to a monthly donation?
Yes, the majority of our Regular Givers give to us monthly and a small number annually.
How do I commit?
By clicking the donate now button, you can easily set this up in real time online. All credit card transactions are tokenised to protect you. If you prefer to make irregular gifts, then our Appeal donor product is better suited to you, where you can vary payments.
How do I cancel?
In signing up for Monthly Regular Giving you will be setting up a monthly donation amount of your choice to VSA. You can cancel your gift at any time.
As a Monthly Regular Giver you will be helping to connect people and transform lives. VSA works in partnership with skilled volunteers, organisations and communities overseas to support locally identified needs and aspirations to achieve long-lasting and meaningful change.