How VSA volunteers helped secure clean water in Timor-Leste
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» How VSA volunteers helped secure clean water in Timor-Leste
18.07.2018 - How VSA volunteers helped secure clean water in Timor-Leste
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Living and working
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National Volunteer Week
Partnership with Downer supporting future leaders
Sharing the VSA message through community outreach with water professionals in North America
A passion for quality education - Tonga
Tongan Language Week / Uike Kātoanga'i 'o e Lea Faka-Tonga 2020 (David Cramp)
International Youth Day 2020 - Lewis Johnson (Solomon Islands)
Bruce Corbett - Resilience in the face of climate change (Cook Islands)
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 2020
Creating special connections in Kūki 'Āirani - Cook Islands
VSA’s Chief Exeutive elected Vice Chair of international forum
Rising to the challenge
October 2020 update
Mentoring in Timor-Leste
Rich life-long relationships
Improving outcomes for communities in PNG
Martin McMorrow in Kiribati
How volunteering 50 years ago has impacted Chris Hawley's life
National Volunteer Week 2021
Students Abroad
Cook Islands Language Week / Te epetoma o te reo Māori Kuki Airani, [Dahyoung Kim (Dee)]
Building the foundations of tomorrow
Bringing people together for years to come
Money grows on trees
Through a volunteer's eyes: Three and a half months in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville
Revolutionising the gym space in Honiara
Developing deaf education in Tonga
Gaining a new perspective
Exploring sustainable energy in the Pacific
Empowering women for stronger sustainable communities
Giving back in Timor-Leste
‘It’s such a special place’
‘It’s hard to put into words’
Empowering youth in Vanuatu
Language revitalisation in the Cooks
VSA receives Margaret Neave Endowment Fund grant
‘Incredible, in a word’
The Mauri Way
Double the impact
Celebrating the volunteers who keep on giving
Sharing the joy of sport
The experience of a lifetime
A Tongan Love Affair – The Story of a Volunteer in 1967 who Married a Tongan and Now Lives a Tongan Life!
Pick up where you left off—Volunteer Returns to Timor-Leste to Continue Working with the Partner Organisation
The Role of a Digital Librarian and Archivist at the University of the South Pacific, Cook Islands Campus
Six Volunteer Assignments, Three Pacific Countries, Ten Years with VSA and Counting!
An Enriching Experience in Timor-Leste—Learning, Adaptation, & Flexibility are Key to a Successful UniVol Assignment
E-Volunteering to In-Country — The Blended Assignment of an EC Education Advisor
From Being a Nurse to Running a Nurse-Led Clinic—The Extensive Role of a Volunteer
Honouring Joanne Lentfer: A Remarkable VSA Volunteer and Friend
Children’s Mental Health is Top Priority—Volunteer Returns to Vanuatu
The Multifaceted Role of a UniVol in Vanuatu
Radio Show to a Podcast Series—A Volunteer’s ‘Voice Against Violence’
Sustainable Tourism for a Sustainable Pacific—SPTO and its Groundbreaking Initiative
Improving Nursing Leadership & Management Skills to Building Relations in the Community—A Volunteer’s Journey in Bougainville!
Make a vital difference with VSA
NRH & its Holistic Approach to Infection Prevention and Control—Volunteer Katie Croom’s Crucial Contribution in the Solomons
Post Cyclone Assessment in Vanuatu—Putting Recovery Plans into Action!
Savai’i Tourism Goes Digital
From Darkness to Light — Helping Restore Sight in Vanuatu
Family Planning to Reproductive Health—Samoa Reaches Out to its Youth!
VSA 60th celebrations in Papua New Guinea
Improving Dental Services in Vanuatu—One Step at a Time!
VSAs Contribution in the Republic of Kiribati
Vanuatu’s World War II Museum—Beyond Preserving the War History to Equipping Local Schools with Resources
VSAs Contribution in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville
From being a VSA child to a VSA staff
VSA Celebrates 60 Years in Samoa
Generosity and reciprocity in the Cooks
Climate Change in our region
Smart Cookies
Memory lane for Graham
Good Governance
Post-Cyclone Activities At Wan Smolbag
Climate change in our region
Coastal Conservation in Timor-Leste
International Celebrations Begin
Dreamcast in the Spotlight
Qualified Child Nurse in Rarotonga
Kate Wareham Samoa Visit
60 years of volunteering
Like Building a Ship at Sea
Communicating through a storm
Real Economic Benefit
COVID Calls for Connection
SWAG empowering women in business
VSA volunteers over the years
Fight against COVID-19 in the Solomon Islands
Global Volunteer Standards
Life as an Emergency Doctor
Changes from the Shed
The Power of Art
The work before the food is on the plate
Growing resilience
Upcycling and Recycling in Timor Leste
Getting Tonga’s crops buzzing
Keeping language alive
Welcome Cook Island volunteers
Tongan diplomatic and volunteer connections celebrated
Unexpected doors open when volunteering
New Zealand and Vanuatu volunteer connections resume
New partnership supports emergency care development in the Pacific
Fifty years supporting VSA
When assignments change - Wayne Wooff (Vanuatu)
Sports 4 Life
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