28.09.2018 - Bougainville Chocolate Festival brings together cocoa farmers, chocolatiers, industry representatives and government officials to network, discuss market access and share improved farming and processing techniques - also of course to sample the delicious chocolate made from Bougainville’s finest cacao beans!
This is VSA’s stall in the festival, with volunteers:
Matt Lambie, who is volunteering as a Programme Quality Assistant in Agriculture, Economic & Health with World Vision Papua New Guinea. He is one of our UniVols.
Jodie Robertson, who is volunteering as a Mapping/GIS Adviser with Rotokas Ecotourism Association.
Anne Bellingham, who is volunteering as a Livelihoods Project and Hospitality Mentor with the Nazareth Rehabilitation Centre.
Paul Bedggood, VSA’s Bougainville Program Manager, and Chris Rimats, our Bougainville Programme Officer.
In addition, you can see Helen Hakena who co-founded the Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency, talking about VSA with festival attendees. The following pictures show some outstanding performances from Bougainville locals during the festival.
Photo credit: Paul Bedggood,