I feel privileged to be the VSA Programme Manager for Solomon Islands because I get to learn oodles about development in this country from people who are doing remarkable things to bring about positive change to communities. My role is to find ways of supporting our partner organisations, mostly through developing volunteer assignments and occasionally with organisational capacity assessments and planning.

I moved to Solomon Islands at the beginning 2019 with my husband Gerard – amazing human being. In 2019 I was a full-time volunteer with Solomon Islands Red Cross Society supporting with resource mobilization and volunteer engagement. Working alongside a bunch of awesome young people, we developed a menstrual hygiene management programme making washable sanitary kits and creating educational materials. In 2020 I was contracted as Operations Manager with World Vision for six months after which I joined VSA – yay!

Before moving to Solomon Islands, I lived in Christchurch and worked for the Christchurch City Council for close to 10 years. My first role was as a Community Development Adviser for five years and then as a Community Governance Manager for the remainder of the time.  I found the work meaningful and learned heaps from communities and colleagues.

My postgrad qualifications are in Development Studies, and Social Sector Evaluation Research. My Masters was in international development, and I focused on examining the involvement of primary stakeholders in the design and use of outcome indicators and evaluation use for development interventions.

I have three crazy, fun, terrific kids – Felix, Prisca and Munashe – who make me laugh and love in equal measure