Business Adviser - Agriculture

Closing Date: 03 February 2025

Category: Agriculture & Horticultural Sustainability

Change your scene and become a VSA Volunteer and share your experience, knowledge, and skills to transform the lives of many. Work with our partner organisation to create a fair future for all. 
VSA will organise and fund, flights, visas, insurance, accommodation, living allowance and utilities while on assignment. 

Please note VSA Volunteers must be a NZ citizen or permanent resident. 

Volunteering with VSA 
Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) is not your typical volunteering agency, we are committed to building sustainable communities across the Pacific. If you’re an experienced business adviser with knowledge of the agriculture sector, looking for an extraordinary overseas experience in the Pacific to build into your field of expertise – working collaboratively with Nasi Tuan and Tearfund, then read on, as we have an exciting opportunity in store for you!
Our Partner Organisation - 
Nasi Tuan is a not for profit, community development organisation that believes in empowering communities to mobilise their own strategies to end poverty and hardship. Nasi Tuan seeks to empower local communities through seeking sustainable solutions that utilise local resources and expertise.

The Assignment

This assignment is a partnership assignment between VSA, Nasi Tuan, and Tearfund.

Nasi Tuan recognises the need to strengthen their organisation through the development of realistic and sustainable business strategies, plans and processes, and for key staff to be mentored in business management.
A volunteer will assist through advising on day-to-day systems and processes to support the implementation of a business plan as well as providing advice on financial management and planning.

This is a blended assignment with the volunteer being Tanna based for 6 months and continuing support as a part-time e-volunteer from New Zealand (5-20 hours per week) for a 3-month period after being in-country. It is expected that the aspects of writing a business and marketing plan could
completed as an e-volunteer, as well as provision of on-going support and advice.

The Volunteer

Are you someone who wants to make a difference, have a sense of adventure and like the challenge of being outside your comfort zone?  VSA Volunteers are technical experts who impart their skills and knowledge to the local community. You will need to be flexible, adaptable, resourceful, resilient with a passion for Aotearoa and the wider Pacific community.

We're looking for a volunteer with the following:

  •  Experience and skills in agriculture business management
  •  Experience in marketing and financial management
  •  Experience in strategic planning
  • Willing to live and work in a remote and rural location
  • 5 years’ experience working in a business with the full value chain from production to post harvest, processing, packaging and commercialisation.
  • Some experience in tourism and hospitality (Tanna gardens has a small café and is starting agritourism with a plant to cup coffee tour)
The Country

Vanuatu is an independent republic consisting of 83 islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is located about 3,500 miles southeast of Hawaii and about 1,500 miles northeast of Australia.

The capital and largest city is Port Vila, located on the island of Efaté. As a subtropical archipelago of volcanic origin, Vanuatu is characterised by steep peaks and little permanent fresh water. 

Fresh water sources are endangered, and many upland watersheds are being deforested and degraded.  Deforestation has made the land susceptible to soil erosion and landslides.

Apply Now!

Apply for this amazing opportunity through our website. For more information on this assignment, email

To review the full assignment description please copy and paste the below link into your browser:

If you are on the VSA website, please click on the download assignment description tab above.

We are looking for a volunteer with:

  • Flights accommodation and other living expensed funded by VSA
  • Volunteer 6-months in Tanna followed by 3-months online (e-volunteering)
  • Support Nasituan's goal to improve market access for small holder farmers.

VSA covers flights, accommodation, insurance and some expenses. A living allowance is also provided.